Marshaling data


The OpenFlexure Microscope Server makes use of the Marshmallow library for both response and argument marshaling. From the Marshmallow documentation:

marshmallow is an ORM/ODM/framework-agnostic library for converting complex datatypes, such as objects, to and from native Python datatypes.

In short, marshmallow schemas can be used to:

  • Validate input data.
  • Deserialize input data to app-level objects.
  • Serialize app-level objects to primitive Python types. The serialized objects can then be rendered to standard formats such as JSON for use in an HTTP API.

When developing extensions, you are encouraged to make use of your View schema and args class attributes to handle serialisation of your API responses, and parsing of request parameters respectively.

Schemas and fields

A field describes the data type of a single parameter, as well as any other properties of that parameter for use in parsing, and documentation. For example, a String-type field, with a default value in case no actual value is passed, and extra documentation, may look like:

fields.String(required=False, load_default="Default value", metadata={"example: "Example value"})

A schema is a collection of keys and fields describing how an object should be serialized/deserialized. Schemas can be created in several ways, either by creating a Schema class, or by passing a dictionary of key-field pairs. Both methods will be discussed in the following examples.

Argument parsing

In the previous section we saw how to use fields and args to get simple arguments from requests, in which a single parameter is required. By making use of Marshmallow schemas, and the Webargs library, we can allow for more complex requests containing many parameters of different types. The parsed request parameters are then passed to the view function as a positional argument (as before), in the form of a dictionary.

For example, if you are creating an API route, in which you expect parameters name, age, and optionally, job, your schema class may look like:

from labthings.schema import Schema
from labthings import fields

class UserSchema(Schema):
    name = fields.String(required=True)
    age = fields.Integer(required=True)
    job = fields.String(required=False, load_default="Unknown")

To inform your POST method to expect these arguments, use the args class attribute:

class MyView(View):
    args = UserSchema()

    def post(self, args):

Alternatively, if your schema is only used in a single location, it may be simpler to create a dictionary schema only where it is used, for example:

class MyView(View):
    args = {
        "name": fields.String(required=True),
        "age": fields.Integer(required=True),
        "job": fields.String(required=False, load_default="Unknown")

    def post(self, args):

A compatible request body, in JSON format, may look like:

    "name": "John Doe",
    "age": 45,
    "job": "Python developer"

This JSON data is the parsed, converted into a Python dictionary, and passed as an argument. Retreiving the data from within your view function may therefore look like:

class MyView(View):
    args = {
        "name": fields.String(required=True),
        "age": fields.Integer(required=True),
        "job": fields.String(required=False, load_default="Unknown")

    def post(self, args):
        name = args.get("name")  # Returns "John Doe", type str
        age = args.get("age")  # Returns 45, type int
        job = args.get("job")  # Returns "Python developer", type str

Object serialization

Schemas can also be used to format our data so that it is suitable for an API response. Our API expects JSON formatted data both in, and out. It is therefore important that your API views respond with valid JSON where possible.

Continuing with our example in the previous pages, we will enhance our identify method to provide more, better formatted information about our current microscope.

We start by creating a schema to describe how to serialise a openflexure_microscope.Microscope object.

# Define which properties of a Microscope object we care about,
# and what types they should be converted to
class MicroscopeIdentifySchema(Schema):
    name = fields.String()  # Microscopes name
    id = fields.UUID()  # Microscopes unique ID
    state = fields.Dict()  # Status dictionary
    camera = fields.String()  # Camera object (represented as a string)
    stage = fields.String()  # Stage object (represented as a string)

We use this new schema in our identify view like so:

class ExampleIdentifyView(View):
    # Format our returned object using MicroscopeIdentifySchema
    schema = MicroscopeIdentifySchema()

    def get(self):
        # Find our microscope component
        microscope = find_component("org.openflexure.microscope")

        # Return our microscope object,
        # let schema handle formatting the output
        return microscope

Note that our get method now returns the openflexure_microscope.Microscope object itself. No formatting is done by the function, it is entirely handled by the view class, and its schema attribute. Additionally, since we defined our schema as a class, it can be re-used elsewhere.

For our rename view, we will use a simpler schema for our input arguments, defined by a dictionary (since we are only expecting a single parameter in, and it will likely not be re-used elsewhere). Our response, however, will use our MicroscopeIdentifySchema class. This means that the response of our identify and rename views will be identically formatted.

Our rename view class may now look like:

class ExampleRenameView(View):
    # Format our returned object using MicroscopeIdentifySchema
    schema = MicroscopeIdentifySchema()
    # Expect a request parameter called "name", which is a string. Pass to argument "args".
    args = {"name": fields.String(required=True, metadata={"example": "My Example Microscope"})}

    def post(self, args):
        # Look for our "name" parameter in the request arguments
        new_name = args.get("name")

        # Find our microscope component
        microscope = find_component("org.openflexure.microscope")

        # Pass microscope and new name to our rename function
        rename(microscope, new_name)

        # Return our microscope object,
        # let schema handle formatting the output
        return microscope

Complete example

Combining both of these into our example extension, we now have:

from labthings import Schema, fields, find_component
from labthings.extensions import BaseExtension
from labthings.views import View

# Create the extension class
class MyExtension(BaseExtension):
    def __init__(self):
        # Superclass init function
        super().__init__("com.myname.myextension", version="0.0.0")

        # Add our API Views (defined below MyExtension)
        self.add_view(ExampleIdentifyView, "/identify")
        self.add_view(ExampleRenameView, "/rename")

    def rename(self, microscope, new_name):
        Rename the microscope
        """ = new_name

# Define which properties of a Microscope object we care about,
# and what types they should be converted to
class MicroscopeIdentifySchema(Schema):
    name = fields.String()  # Microscopes name
    id = fields.UUID()  # Microscopes unique ID
    state = fields.Dict()  # Status dictionary
    camera = fields.String()  # Camera object (represented as a string)
    stage = fields.String()  # Stage object (represented as a string)

## Extension views
class ExampleIdentifyView(View):
    # Format our returned object using MicroscopeIdentifySchema
    schema = MicroscopeIdentifySchema()

    def get(self):
        # Find our microscope component
        microscope = find_component("org.openflexure.microscope")

        # Return our microscope object,
        # let schema handle formatting the output
        return microscope

class ExampleRenameView(View):
    # Format our returned object using MicroscopeIdentifySchema
    schema = MicroscopeIdentifySchema()
    # Expect a request parameter called "name", which is a string. Pass to argument "args".
    args = {
        "name": fields.String(
            required=True, metadata={"example": "My Example Microscope"}

    def post(self, args):
        # Look for our "name" parameter in the request arguments
        new_name = args.get("name")

        # Find our microscope component
        microscope = find_component("org.openflexure.microscope")

        # Pass microscope and new name to our rename function
        self.extension.rename(microscope, new_name)

        # Return our microscope object,
        # let schema handle formatting the output
        return microscope