Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Raspberry Pi camera implementation of the PiCameraStreamer class.


Still port used for image capture.
Preview port reserved for onboard GPU preview.

Video port:

* Splitter port 0: Image capture (if `use_video_port == True`)
* Splitter port 1: Streaming frames
* Splitter port 2: Video capture
* Splitter port 3: [Currently unused]

PiCameraStreamer streams at video_resolution

Camera capture resolution set to stream_resolution in frames()

Video port uses that resolution for everything. If a different resolution
is specified for video capture, this is handled by the resizer.

Still capture (if use_video_port == False) uses pause_stream
to temporarily increase the capture resolution.

import logging
import time

# Type hinting
from typing import Tuple

import numpy as np

# Pi camera
import picamerax
import picamerax.array

from import BaseCamera
from openflexure_microscope.paths import settings_file_path
from openflexure_microscope.utilities import json_to_ndarray, ndarray_to_json

# Richard's fix gain
from .set_picamera_gain import set_analog_gain, set_digital_gain

[docs]class PiCameraStreamer(BaseCamera): """Raspberry Pi camera implementation of PiCameraStreamer.""" picamera_settings_keys = [ "exposure_mode", "analog_gain", "digital_gain", "shutter_speed", "awb_gains", "awb_mode", "framerate", "saturation", "iso", "brightness", "contrast", "crop", "drc_strength", "exposure_compensation", "image_effect", "meter_mode", "sharpness", "annotate_text", "annotate_text_size", "zoom", ] def __init__(self): # Run BaseCamera init BaseCamera.__init__(self) # Attach to Pi camera = ( picamerax.PiCamera() ) #: :py:class:`picamerax.PiCamera`: Picamera object # Store state of PiCameraStreamer self.preview_active = False # Reset variable states self.set_zoom(1.0) # Set default settings self.image_resolution = tuple( ) #: tuple: Resolution for image captures self.stream_resolution = ( 832, 624, ) #: tuple: Resolution for stream and video captures self.numpy_resolution = ( 1312, 976, ) #: tuple: Resolution for numpy array captures self.jpeg_quality = 100 #: int: JPEG quality self.mjpeg_quality = 75 #: int: MJPEG quality # Set default lens shading table path self.picamera_lst_path = settings_file_path( "picamera_lst.npy" ) #: str: Path of .npy lens shading table file # Start the stream worker on init self.start_worker() @property def configuration(self): """The current camera configuration.""" return {"board":} @property def state(self): """The current read-only camera state.""" return {}
[docs] def initialisation(self): """Run any initialisation code when the frame iterator starts."""
[docs] def close(self): """Close the Raspberry Pi PiCameraStreamer.""" # Run BaseCamera close method BaseCamera.close(self) # Detach Pi camera if
[docs] def read_settings(self) -> dict: """ Return config dictionary of the PiCameraStreamer. """ # Get config items from the base class conf_dict = BaseCamera.read_settings(self) # Include device-specific config items conf_dict.update( { "stream_resolution": self.stream_resolution, "image_resolution": self.image_resolution, "numpy_resolution": self.numpy_resolution, "jpeg_quality": self.jpeg_quality, "mjpeg_quality": self.mjpeg_quality, "picamera": {}, } ) # Include a subset of picamera properties. Excludes lens shading table for key in PiCameraStreamer.picamera_settings_keys: try: value = getattr(, key) logging.debug("Reading PiCamera().%s: %s", key, value) conf_dict["picamera"][key] = value except AttributeError: logging.debug("Unable to read PiCamera attribute %s", (key)) # Include a serialised lens shading table if ( hasattr(, "lens_shading_table") and getattr(, "lens_shading_table") is not None ): conf_dict["picamera"]["lens_shading_table"] = ndarray_to_json( getattr(, "lens_shading_table") ) return conf_dict
[docs] def update_settings(self, config: dict): """ Write a config dictionary to the PiCameraStreamer config. The passed dictionary may contain other parameters not relevant to camera config. Eg. Passing a general config file will work fine. Args: config (dict): Dictionary of config parameters. """ paused_stream = False logging.debug("PiCameraStreamer: Applying config:") logging.debug(config) with self.lock(timeout=None): # Apply valid config params to Picamera object if not self.record_active: # If not recording a video # Pause stream while changing settings if self.stream_active: # If stream is active"Pausing stream to update config.") self.stop_stream_recording() # Pause stream paused_stream = True # Remember to unpause stream when done # PiCamera parameters if "picamera" in config: # If new settings are given self.apply_picamera_settings( config["picamera"], pause_for_effect=True ) # Handle lens shading if camera supports it if ( hasattr(, "lens_shading_table") and "lens_shading_table" in config["picamera"] ): try: = json_to_ndarray( config["picamera"].get("lens_shading_table") ) except KeyError as e: logging.error(e) # PiCameraStreamer parameters for key, value in config.items(): # For each provided setting if (key != "picamera") and hasattr(self, key): setattr(self, key, value) # If stream was paused to update config, unpause if paused_stream:"Resuming stream.") self.start_stream_recording() else: raise Exception( "Cannot update camera config while recording is active." )
[docs] def apply_picamera_settings( self, settings_dict: dict, pause_for_effect: bool = True ): """ Args: settings_dict (dict): Dictionary of properties to apply to the :py:class:`picamerax.PiCamera`: object pause_for_effect (bool): Pause tactically to reduce risk of timing issues """ # Set exposure mode if "exposure_mode" in settings_dict: logging.debug( "Applying exposure_mode: %s", (settings_dict["exposure_mode"]) ) = settings_dict["exposure_mode"] # Apply gains and let them settle if "analog_gain" in settings_dict: logging.debug("Applying analog_gain: %s", (settings_dict["analog_gain"])) set_analog_gain(, float(settings_dict["analog_gain"])) if "digital_gain" in settings_dict: logging.debug("Applying digital_gain: %s", (settings_dict["digital_gain"])) set_digital_gain(, float(settings_dict["digital_gain"])) # Apply shutter speed if "shutter_speed" in settings_dict: logging.debug( "Applying shutter_speed: %s", (settings_dict["shutter_speed"]) ) = int(settings_dict["shutter_speed"]) time.sleep(0.2) # Let gains settle # Handle AWB in a half-smart way if "awb_gains" in settings_dict: logging.debug("Applying awb_mode: off") = "off" logging.debug("Applying awb_gains: %s", (settings_dict["awb_gains"])) = settings_dict["awb_gains"] elif "awb_mode" in settings_dict: logging.debug("Applying awb_mode: %s", (settings_dict["awb_mode"])) = settings_dict["awb_mode"] # Handle some properties that can be quickly applied batched_keys = ["framerate", "saturation"] for key in batched_keys: if (key in settings_dict) and hasattr(, key): logging.debug("Applying %s: %s", key, settings_dict[key]) setattr(, key, settings_dict[key]) # Final optional pause to settle if pause_for_effect: time.sleep(0.2)
[docs] def set_zoom(self, zoom_value: float = 1.0) -> None: """ Change the camera zoom, handling re-centering and scaling. """ with self.lock(timeout=None): self.zoom_value = float(zoom_value) if self.zoom_value < 1: self.zoom_value = 1 # Richard's code for zooming ! fov = centre = np.array([fov[0] + fov[2] / 2.0, fov[1] + fov[3] / 2.0]) size = 1.0 / self.zoom_value # If the new zoom value would be invalid, move the centre to # keep it within the camera's sensor (this is only relevant # when zooming out, if the FoV is not centred on (0.5, 0.5) for i in range(2): if np.abs(centre[i] - 0.5) + size / 2 > 0.5: centre[i] = 0.5 + (1.0 - size) / 2 * np.sign(centre[i] - 0.5)"setting zoom, centre %s, size %s", centre, size) new_fov = (centre[0] - size / 2, centre[1] - size / 2, size, size) = new_fov
[docs] def start_preview(self, fullscreen=True, window=None): """Start the on board GPU camera preview.""" with self.lock(timeout=1): try: if not logging.debug("Starting preview"), window=window) else: logging.debug("Resizing preview") if window: = window if fullscreen: = fullscreen self.preview_active = True except picamerax.exc.PiCameraMMALError as e: logging.error( "Suppressed a MMALError in start_preview. Exception: %s", (e) ) except picamerax.exc.PiCameraValueError as e: logging.error( "Suppressed a ValueError exception in start_preview. Exception: %s", (e), )
[docs] def stop_preview(self): """Stop the on board GPU camera preview.""" with self.lock(timeout=1): if self.preview_active = False
[docs] def start_recording(self, output, fmt: str = "h264", quality: int = 15): """Start recording. Start a new video recording, writing to a output object. Args: output: String or file-like object to write capture data to fmt (str): Format of the capture. quality (int): Video recording quality. Returns: output_object (str/BytesIO): Target object. """ with self.lock(timeout=5): # Start recording method only if a current recording is not running if not self.record_active: # Start the camera video recording on port 2"Recording to %s", (output)) output, format=fmt, splitter_port=2, resize=self.stream_resolution, quality=quality, ) # Update state self.record_active = True return output else: logging.warning( "Cannot start a new recording\ until the current recording has stopped." ) return None
[docs] def stop_recording(self): """Stop the last started video recording on splitter port 2.""" with self.lock(timeout=5): # Stop the camera video recording on port 2"Stopping recording")"Recording stopped") # Update state self.record_active = False
[docs] def stop_stream_recording(self, splitter_port: int = 1, **kwargs) -> None: """ Sets the camera resolution to the still-image resolution, and stops recording if the stream is active. Args: splitter_port (int): Splitter port to stop recording on """ for k in kwargs.keys(): logging.warning( "Warning, kwarg %s is invalid for stop_stream_recording.", k ) with self.lock: # Stop the camera video recording on port 1 try: except picamerax.exc.PiCameraNotRecording:"Not recording on splitter_port %s", (splitter_port)) else: "Stopped MJPEG stream on port %s. Switching to %s.", splitter_port, self.image_resolution, ) # Increase the resolution for taking an image time.sleep( 0.2 ) # Sprinkled a sleep to prevent camera getting confused by rapid commands = self.image_resolution
[docs] def start_stream_recording(self, splitter_port: int = 1, **kwargs) -> None: """ Sets the camera resolution to the video/stream resolution, and starts recording if the stream should be active. Args: splitter_port (int): Splitter port to start recording on """ for k in kwargs.keys(): logging.warning( "Warning, kwarg %s is invalid for stop_stream_recording.", k ) with self.lock(timeout=None): # Reduce the resolution for video streaming try: # pylint: disable=W0212 except picamerax.exc.PiCameraRuntimeError: "Error while changing resolution: Recording already running." ) else: = self.stream_resolution # Sprinkled a sleep to prevent camera getting confused by rapid commands time.sleep(0.2) # If the stream should be active if self.stream_active: try: # Start recording on stream port, format="mjpeg", quality=self.mjpeg_quality, bitrate=-1, # RWB: disable bitrate control # (bitrate control makes JPEG size less good as a focus # metric) splitter_port=splitter_port, ) except picamerax.exc.PiCameraAlreadyRecording: "Error while starting preview: Recording already running." ) else: logging.debug( "Started MJPEG stream at %s on port %s", self.stream_resolution, splitter_port, )
[docs] def capture( self, output, fmt: str = "jpeg", use_video_port: bool = False, resize: Tuple[int, int] = None, bayer: bool = True, thumbnail: tuple = None, ): """ Capture a still image to a StreamObject. Defaults to JPEG format. Target object can be overridden for development purposes. Args: output: String or file-like object to write capture data to fmt (str): Format of the capture. use_video_port (bool): Capture from the video port used for streaming. Lower resolution, faster. resize ((int, int)): Resize the captured image. bayer (bool): Store raw bayer data in capture Returns: output_object (str/BytesIO): Target object. """ with self.lock:"Capturing to %s", (output)) # Set resolution and stop stream recording if necessary if not use_video_port: self.stop_stream_recording() output, format=fmt, quality=self.jpeg_quality, resize=resize, bayer=(not use_video_port) and bayer, use_video_port=use_video_port, thumbnail=thumbnail, ) # Set resolution and start stream recording if necessary if not use_video_port: self.start_stream_recording() return output
[docs] def array(self, use_video_port=True) -> np.ndarray: """Capture an uncompressed still RGB image to a Numpy array. Args: use_video_port (bool): Capture from the video port used for streaming. Lower resolution, faster. resize ((int, int)): Resize the captured image. Returns: output_array (np.ndarray): Output array of capture """ with self.lock: logging.debug("Creating PiRGBArray") with picamerax.array.PiRGBArray( as output:"Capturing to %s", (output)), format="rgb", use_video_port=use_video_port) return output.array
[docs] def wait_for_camera(self, timeout=5): """Wait for camera object, with 5 second timeout.""" timeout_time = time.time() + timeout while not if time.time() > timeout_time: raise TimeoutError("Timeout waiting for camera") else: pass
[docs] def frames(self): """ Create generator that returns frames from the camera. Records video from port 1 to a byte stream, and iterates sequential frames. """ # Run this initialisation method self.initialisation() self.wait_for_camera() # Start stream recording (and set resolution) self.start_stream_recording() logging.debug("STREAM ACTIVE") # While the iterator is not closed try: while True: # Wait for the next frame and then yield it yield # When GeneratorExit or StopIteration raised, run cleanup code finally: # Stop stream recording (and set resolution) self.stop_stream_recording() logging.debug("FRAME ITERATOR END")